Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Finals Week

Finals week has come upon us. Thankfully I only have one exam to worry about and get back into reading full time between catching up with friends and working. With classes coming to an end, friends are staring to come back home for the holidays. One of the best things about winter break is seeing my friends that go to school out of state. One of my closest friend is coming home after a few years of being away. He lives in Seattle, but his mom is lives near me. So I am pretty excited to catch up with him. I am also really excited to get back into reading during the break and catching up on shows that have been sitting in my DVR for months now.

            Besides all that the main reason I made time to write this post. A few weeks ago I started The Sentinel War series by Shannon K. Butcher. Tonight I finished the third installment Running Scared and have moved on to Living Nightmare. Already each book has consumed me; I truly did not think that I would enjoy this series. It has all the things that I look for but the actual story was something that I thought I wouldn’t get into. I was wrong thankfully and have been inhaling each book so far. Each couple has kept my interest on different levels. What I enjoy about Butcher that I find only a few authors can do is when they begin to start introducing other characters. Butcher makes me fall for future couples even before I get to their book. For example in the first book with Drake and Helen, she introduced Zach and Lexi. The third book was their story and from the build up before I was consumed when reading and couldn’t put the book down. Now I am on book four and the hero is Madoc, who has lost his last leaf already and has been hiding it for months now. Our heroine is Nika, who has had her mind shattered and has been recovering for years now and has barely made a dent. Of course this all changes when Madoc enters and she can feel herself start to actually get better. The problem though is that Madoc has feeling, but doesn’t think that she can actually save him. All of this has been building up for two books now. Needless to say I am excited to get into it. The most important thing about these books though is the hero. I always for the heroes that fall in love the hardest; the ones that you know need it the most. And every hero so far has deserved it more than the last. Now that I am at Madoc I can’t wait to see how things play out. Nika is already there and knows that she needs Madoc, Madoc though is not really at that point there and I have a feeling that this might be a struggle. Either way I have a feeling that Madoc might become one of the few heroes that I will always fall back on and become a favorite.

currently reading :
Living Nightmare (book 4)

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