Saturday, June 8, 2013

Defeat the Darkness

So I finished Defeat the Darkness and I am very pleased with how it played out. Hunter is up there in my favorite characters that have a special place in my heart as well as Tate. She did have her moment that i was like 'seriously', she decided at the worst moment to get involved and cause the situation to ge worse. Which then leads to the relationship faulting and causing even more problems. Even with her mishaps I did really love her and was glad that she the was the type to stick up for herself and was able to put Hunter in his place when it was needed. One thing though with their relationship was that there was a constant feeling that Hunter shouldn't be with her. Most heroes have this feeling but for this story Morgan when a little bit more in the story. It's that constant thought of why not just give in to the feelings and accept what happen and adjust. Obviously the end result is they are together and they reach the thought of just giving into their feelings and taking the leap. When both characters finally realize that they deserve to be happy is always one of my favorite parts in a book. Now lets talk a little bit of the action and answers start to finally be answered. We find out who has been dealing with the blue stones and where the Others have been crossing from. Now it's time to find out how many have actually crossed without the Paladins knowing. The old problems have ended and now it's time for a little clean up.

Now to continue unwrapping the world that is the Paladins

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