Saturday, June 22, 2013

What I've been up to

In the past week I've finished The Moon and More by Sarah Dessen. She is an all time favorite of mine, but this story did fall a little short in my eyes. Of course though I am a softy and I like a good romance any day. This story just fell short on that aspect. Other than that I have been packing for my upcoming trip to Mexico. I am very excited and I leave tomorrow. So in the week that I am gone I plan to be doing a lot of reading while sitting by the pool and relaxing. The first book on my list is Shadow Game by Christine Feehan. I am already half way into the book and I am loving it. The romance level is just what I like and being that this is the first book in the series it has a good amount of getting the general detail of the plot and adding a good mixture of action. I am fully prepared for my flight tomorrow and I already have the next four books in the series downloaded and in my reader. It is safe to say that I am ready for my week of relaxation.

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