Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Dark Defender

So last night I finished Dark Defender by Alexis Morgan and man the male characters are awesome. They are just a group of bad ass dudes that are full of honor and should not be messed with. Blake Trahern is our hero and Brenna is out heroine and man are these two not amazing. I know when Blake first pops up in the first book that I was going to love him. There is nothing like a big tough guy that is so close to losing his humanity that warms my heart. I love when they are so tortured and are at the point of giving up that anything good will happen in their lives. But of course we all know that there is a strong kick ass heroine out there that won't take his shit and shows them that there is still hope for them to know love. Yes I am a complete sap when it comes to romance, I live through characters and their experience, that might be pretty sad, but who cares. I read to escape not to find myself hence why I don't read self help books. Anyways I was pleased once again that Morgan didn't waste time in detailing all the little things, she picks up right where she left off in the first book and carried on. Why waste three pages worth of detail describing the way the wind blew throw her hair when you could just jump into all the juicy parts that make you giggle and sit on the edge of your seat. Same for action parts don't tell me how the blade cut through him inch by inch and how he felt every last bit twist and turn, I get it he was stabbed and it hurt like hell. Morgan does that for me, she packs in romance and plenty of action to keep me happy while still developing characters that can have a place in my heart. Trahern has his only little corner being all brooding and what not,but we all know he is a softy like the rest of them. Now Brenna rally enjoyed her character and how she progressed throughout the story. She was no little miss thing that just sat there and was a wimp. There are times where I wanted to be tougher, but of course as the reader I am getting all sides and know everything while the characters themselves are still progressing and getting the details at the writers speed. Since I'm reading the series via eBook I do have to say that I wish they were a bit longer, obviously I don't know what the rest of the series holds, but I would like a little more in content. Again which reader is every happy with how much or how little content a writer gives. We always want the story to carry on forever... if only. Anyways I'm pleased with how the story is carrying on and I'm very glad that she is not dragging on villains. They are tied together in a bigger way, but obviously there is someone bigger and badder that Morgan has yet to reveal, I'll have to continue reading to see who it will be and I can't wait.
Now on to the next one....

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