Thursday, May 16, 2013

Edge of Dawn

I have finished Darker after Midnight and was very pleased with how it turned out. Obviously we know how much I grew to love Chase and was very happy with the person that he turned out to be. He really is one of those characters that you know has so much potential, but has struggled so much and you just want ime to have the best story ever. He truly gets his story and you learn a whole lot about him. besides the love story, the development of the story as a whole with Dragos and the Order is amazing, I was very pleased with the balance of action and love within the whole book.

Now we move on to  Edge of Dawn, book 11 in the series. Here we Have Mira, who we have seen as a child, we seen her grow up a little in each book when she is mentioned. Now we have Mira the young woman, she is 29 in this story. She is our Heroine and our hero is Kellan. We've seen Kellan the troubled teen who had his family slaughtered with himself and his grandfather the only surviving members. SO much has happened since the end of Darker after Midnight to Edge of Dawn. Adrian though has done very well in giving you enough information of what has been happening, but not so much that you feel bord getting all the useless information that doesn't really matter. I'm only just beginning but so far she has brought in some of the old members and she has brought in new ones, so I can see her carrying the series for a bit longer. I am glad to see Nathan is still around and that she has parts where you have Lucan's point of view. She hasn't completely thrown out the oldies or as they are called the "elders of the order". I am waiting for more of the members to pop up. So far I am intrigued with how Adrian will carry out the story.

Now to continue reading, I've barely read all day and I'm feeling withdrawal, must have my fix ;)

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