Thursday, July 25, 2013

I'm back

So it feels like it has been forever since I last wrote a post, but in reality it's probably hasn't really been that long. Anyways I am out of my little slump and back on my way to finishing twenty books by the first day of classes. Being in a slump is never fun especially if you are like me and love reading every second you can. It can be hard with all my jobs and needing a little social time, but I always manage. Some may think I'm crazy, but come on reading about a different world is so much better than living the life I currently live. Anyways I am making my way throw Christine Feehan's Ghost Walker series. I was a little stuck on Gator's book Night Game, but was I was in I ran with it and couldn't stop reading. Then After Gator's book I moved on to Jack Norton's book Conspiracy Game. Let me just say I love when the hero is tortured and doesn't think he is right. Jack Norton is just that, coming from a family that is truly damaged. His father was obsessed with his mother and did not like her around anybody not even her own children. His father was so out of his mind that he eventually killed her. This would obviously caused issues in the future to both of the Norton twins. When it comes to falling in love Ken and Jack have no idea what they are doing. But one of the things that they do know is that they have each others back. The camaraderie between jack and Ken is so lovely and perfect that you look forward to when they interact with each other. I love a good set of twins and the Norton twins are PERFECT I love them so much. Now obviously Ken has to get a book and it follows up after Jack. Jack's heroine is Briony who was apart of a circus and had to deal everyday with the fact that she felt everything around her. Now on the opposite end Ken's heroine is Marigold, Briony's twin sister. How fitting that the twins would be paired up. Now Ken is known to be the easy going twin, the one everybody is friends with. In reality the image Ken shows is nothing of what he really is. He is extremely damaged inside and out, after being tortured and skinned alive in the Congo. Now Ken may not be the favorite twin after reading both of their books, but he is my favorite twin. Their is just something that I couldn't stop reading about. In the book he is suffering from PTSD and thinks that he is going to end up like his father. Both twins have this thought, but what they don't see is that their life experiences have stopped them from ending up like the old man. Now the heroines are completely opposite, Briony is sweet and slightly more submissive. Marigold on the other hand is dominant and won't do anything she doesn't want to do, she will fight with everything that she has. What I like about them is that they are different. Marigold was kept and continued to be experimented on in one of Whitney's compounds. Both very different, but at the same had to deal with a tortured life. At the end of Ken's book they finally meet and Mari doesn't know what to do. She has only lived the life of an experiment. I would live to see what would come in the future. I do hope that Feehan brings back these two couples and show how far they have gone. Now after loving Ken, Jack and Gator I am on to Jesse Calhoun. Jesse is apart of the SEAL Ghost Walkers, same as Ken and Jack. Jesse was mentioned in Nico's book, he was the handler for Dahlia. In that book he had been injured and became paralyzed from the knees down. He has his own book and I'm interested in what will come out of this book. He isn't as involved in the field anymore, so what is there that he could be doing. I have a feeling this book may be more informative instead of action so we will have to see.

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