Thursday, August 1, 2013

Predatory Game by Christine Feehan

I've recently finished Predatory Game the sixth installment of the Ghost Walker series. Our hero is Jesse Calhoun and our heroine is Saber Wynter. Now before I went into it my thoughts were why Jesse. When Jesse is first brought into the series he was Dahlia's handler, I didn't think much of him at the time. So I thought it was a bit unnecessary to have a whole book dedicated to him. Then we have Saber who has a powerful gift and a dangerous one at that. This I believe was the fault in our heroine, she had a dangerous gift, but it could also be used for good. But it didn't seem like she was willing to learn what it could be used for. She only know the bad sad and ran from it in a way, she has always been on the run and basically is scared of it. Now in the beginning of the book the two of them have been living together for some time now, but neither of them really knew what or who the other was. Again another flaw in the book. This created a rollercoaster of ups and downs that I just did not want to be apart of. I'm not saying it was the worse book in the world, but isn't in my top 10. There was jus constant back and forth between the two about her wanting to run away and him not letting her go, but seriously we all know she was never going to actually run away from him. Saber's personal demons were just always getting in the way and to top it off she ends up having a stalker that doesn't really have much to do in the story all it does is add more unnecessary drama. The biggest thing I didn't like was that she was trained to be an assian at a young age, but she let that completely ruin herself. Having lived with the things that she did can cause some serious damage, but at the same time I would have liked her to have more strength. There was also a lot of talking between to two of them, but my favorite parts were when the rest of the team was involved. IN the end though I did grow to like Jesse, but he still isn't my favorite and Saber was just lacking in spots in my eyes. All in all their story isn't really needed, but you do learn some very important information connected with Whitney and the damage that he continues to cause.

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