Thursday, August 8, 2013

Just a little update....

So I'm still reading Predatory Game since I've been swamped with work and have had little time to read, but I am really enjoying what i have read so far. I absolutely adore Kadan, he is just the cutest of them all. He is also the toughest and the one you don't want to run into when he is angry. Which I think is what makes him so cute because when it comes to Tansy he appears tough, but is putty in her hands when she knows what buttons to push. Which is why I enjoy Tansy because she appears fragile, but in reality is a very tough chick that can use her skills when she needs to. Her gift takes a massive toll on her, but yet she still uses it when she knows it can help people in need. Their relationship is also different then those that have come before them. It isn't as explosive as the ones before. Kadan has all the qualities and the pervious men, but Tansy isn't as explosive, but at the same time her feelings for him are very strong and she is determined to stay by his side. Explosive or not it is still melts my heart when they are together and interact. I'm well into the story and man is there a lot of things going on, but when I do get the chance to read i can't put it down. So that's all for now and I need to continue to read.

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