Sunday, April 6, 2014

One day I will get the hang of this

So I know it has been awhile, it seems whenever I make the commitment to blog more and keep up to date something always gets in the way. School being the main reason at all times. rest assured though I am reading every chance I get. Currently I am waiting for The King by JR Ward to be delivered, but I did manage to read 3 books last week. They were quick reads, something to just fill the time. Hopefully though it will be here on Monday and I can start reading it. I am currently trying to get a big chunk of my schoolwork done so I wont have too many things distracting me and I can jump right in. until then though I am going to wait patiently like the good reader that I am. For now I wait and continue to do school work. Maybe once things settle down I can be faithful to this blog and bust out some good reviews.