Thursday, May 9, 2013

What I'm currently reading

Darker after Midnight by Lara Adrian is slowly becoming a favorite. She is getting me through the downward high of Lover at Last.  Darker after Midnight brings me well into the story of the Midnight Breed. Here we have Chase Sterling ex enforcement agent and not so much breed warrior. Down in his luck and dealing with bloodlust and on the verge of becoming a rogue. So far the story is a bit more fast pace then those before it. This I find is because Adrian has build Chase a lot before this. I'm intrigued by Chase as the story has progressed within the series and within his own book. Keep in mind I am only 57 pages into his book. Now lets talk about the heroine Tavia, so far I don't know how I feel about her. I'm hoping that as the story goes she flips and I love her, but she still in the beginning stages of it all. As the story has progressed though I am loving Chase more and more. He is really progressing into the type of character that I love. Troubled, worn down, but won't give up. He is tough and doesn't give two shits and will plow down anybody in his way. He may not be in the order right now but he is still a warrior in my eyes.
Now to continue reading...

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